Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Gift Cards

What has turned into a shoppers convenience could be a shoppers unfortunate bad purchase. We all see it as convenience at one time or another. The ever-popular gift card! What to buy someone? A gift card is so easy, that way a person can pick what they want. They are easy to wrap and easy to give. Apparantly now they are easy to steal.

A new wave of crime has hit Southern California, and police fear it is only a matter of time before the scam reaches the Sacramento region.

The Placer County Sheriff's Department said the scam starts in the check-out aisle. Thieves get gift card account and PIN numbers before they are purchased. The account status is constantly checked and once they're bought, the criminal goes back into the store using the account number to go shopping

Authorities said that to avoid becoming a victim, consumers should inspect a gift card before buying it.

If the PIN number is scratched off, then there is a good chance it has been altered.

Buyer Beware next time you go to pick up one of those popular gift items.
