Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sit and Relax

I am one of the privileged in my office to be able to sit by a big window. There are windows along the whole wall I sit against. Outside my window I see a walkway with plants, trees, and bushes and it is a shaded walkway. Sometimes it is nice just to look out and see the squirrels playing tag. I think one the other day was after the other's peanuts. Yes, we have people all over the complex here that feed the squirrels peanuts, they are spoiled and pretty tame. If the squirrels think you have food they are likely to approach you for it. It is lunch time for me and I sit by the window and type and watch. It always fun to see people getting deliveries of flowers and balloons too. Someone is loved :). Funny thing, I just came from my Supervisor's office and she said that she had read my post on office politics and had to laugh because I said I loved my job. I told her I do love my job and clarified that it is some of the people that I can do without here. She went oh yeah, she felt the same way. See it is the job and maybe it is the job you love that you are at and you just have to ignore the office politics and the gossip and the back-stabbers, and just anyone that brings the environment down. That was the point of the post and try to learn to deal with it. So it brings me back to the window as I sit here and post, it is a beautiful day in Sacramento and you can't help just sitting here and relaxing and enjoying it. Look somebody is bringing someone lunch. You have to pass this walkway to get to anywhere in the complex and you can imagine a lot of fun things as you people or squirrel watch. Have a great day and find something to enjoy where ever you are at.

Update: My supervisor did remind(after she read this post) to thank her for my window seat. So THANKS :)!
