Sunday, March 01, 2009


One Word Answers, challenged to do by my friend Mary on Facebook. Facebook is my new social networking addiction. All of your answers had to be one word answers. Here is how I answered the following questions recently.

Monday, February 16, 2009 at 7:21pm

Where is your cell phone.....................entry
Your hair........................................scraggly
Your father.....................................AZ
Your favorite thing........................... laughter
Your dream last night.........................clueless
Your favorite drink........................... milk
Your dream/goal...............................Disneyworld
The room you are in.......................... family
Your fear....................................... widowing
Where do you want to be in 6 years.......alive
Muffins......................................... chocolate
One of your wish list items...................Europe
Where you grew up...........................Oregon
The last thing you did........................dinner
What are you wearing....................... sweats
Your pets........................................three
Your computer..................................using
Your life......................................... fatherhood
Your mood......................................sick
Missing someone...............................Hill
Your car.........................................Focus
Favorite store..................................WalMart
Your summer....................................100+
your favorite color............................. Purple
When is the last time you
Last time you cried............................ today
Three people who email me...................Wife, Nancy, Jared
Three of my favorite, burritos, ice cream
Three places I would rather be right now...bed, pillow, mattress
Three people I think will respond...........probably no one

