Thursday, July 28, 2005

Office Politics

What is with office politics and all the rules and sub-rules of rules. There is such broad definitions of rules, it would seem that you are better off just not even opening your mouth(especially in my case). I find it completely absurd what can be construed as harassment. It is like suing, you can sue for anything(as I posted before), absurd. I find it absurd that if I am having a conversation with someone, that some other person, who is not even involved, can complain about harassment because I offended them. You really want offense, "look you nosy bitch, mind your own business." If I talk about work related problem with someone and they take offense to my tone of voice, more absurdity. It is like those people with allergies that are so bad they have to wear a mask because they are working on the carpets in the lobby of the building or painting. I am sorry, if your allergies are that bad stay home. Why should our office world have to be turned upside down for one person complaining about work in the lobby? I must say the other building does look lovely now because of the work. Now we can't get fresh flowers at work either, I love getting them from my husband, he loves sending them, because he loves me. Now we can't have them. The point is getting them at work so you can show them off and be the envy of all the single women or married ones that don't get them. YOU know that's true, so don't even pretend it's not. A couple of people complain about the scent "my allergies." You know what, go home and stay home. They talk about this and that in the building, how do you even walk out the front door. There are trees and flowers everywhere. I don't get it. Let's move on to the kitchen. "Your mother don't work here clean up after yourself!" No? That is a little to much to ask. What do these peoples homes look like? How hard is it just to wash your dish or bowl when you are done? Not very, trust me, I do it(after my morning cereal). We have a little kitchen in our suite and people are assigned to clean everyday for a week. We don't have to do the dishes and one of the ladies will just throw them out if she finds them in the sink. Right on! If you are so fricken' lazy that you can't do it, then you deserve to lose the dish. OK I will stop this gripe for now, but I guarantee it will come up again.

As a lot of my co-workers and I feel the same way, we were just discussing the fact that someone will take offense to our making fun of the rules (harassment) and complain that they are offended by our jokes. I rest my case!
